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Gemalto B.V.

Gemalto B.V.

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Publicatie datum 16 mei 2016 - 07:03
Statutaire naam Gemalto B.V.
Titel Colorado partners with MIDS, a Gemalto company, to provide a complete solution for secure polycarbonate identity credentials
Bericht MSTERDAM, May 16, 2016 - Marquis ID Systems (MIDS), a Gemalto Company, was awarded a six year contract by the Colorado Department of Revenue's Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to provide a turnkey driver license and identification (DL/ID) card production system. Today, Colorado is leveraging MIDS' comprehensive issuance solution that includes document scanning and authentication plus photo, signature, as well as fingerprint capture and verification. MIDS is also providing Colorado with its robust central issuance and personalization solution of highly secure polycarbonate driver licenses, instruction permits, and identification cards. MIDS experts worked with the State of Colorado and its nearly 60 state and county offices to facilitate the transition with operational and educational trainings for DMV operators and local law enforcement.

Datum laatste update: 26 januari 2025