Fagron NV
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Publicatie datum
04 aug 2015 - 07:20
Statutaire naam
Fagron NV
Fagron NV: Disclosure of received notification
Regulated information
Waregem (Belgium)/Rotterdam (Netherlands)1, 4 August 2015
Pursuant to the Belgian law of 2 May 2007 regarding the disclosure of major shareholdings in listed companies, Fagron received a notification on 31 July 2015 from Consonance Capital Management concerning the acquisition of voting securities. The shareholding of Consonance Capital Management crossed the disclosure threshold of 3% through the acquisition of voting securities.
Based on the denominator of 31,667,794 (total number of voting rights) and the latest received notifications, the major shareholders of Fagron are:
Datum laatste update: 16 januari 2025