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Publicatie datum
29 jul 2015 - 07:06
Statutaire naam
ARCADIS delivers strong growth in H1 2015, good progress on leadership priorities, profitability impacted by Brazil and one-off US project cost overruns
First half-year highlights
• Gross and net revenue growth +41%; organic net revenue growth +2%; organic backlog up +1%
• Operating EBITA up +22%, positively impacted by Performance Excellence program but negatively impacted by one-off -€13.9 million US environmental project cost overruns, and Brazil
• Operating EBITA margin of 8.6% (H1 2014: 10.0%), excluding one-off project cost overruns 9.5%
• Integration of Hyder on track with synergies captured faster than with previous acquisitions and operating EBITA margin improving to 8.1% in Q2 from 5.3% in Q1 2015
• Net income from operations up +3% to €57.3 million
• Working capital improving to 20.2% of gross revenues vs. 22.3% in Q1 2015
• Free cash flow improved by €38 million to -€30 million (Q1 2015: -€68 million; H1 2014: -€12 million)
Datum laatste update: 19 januari 2025