Koninklijke Heijmans N.V.
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Publicatie datum
02 jun 2014 - 07:36
Statutaire naam
Koninklijke Heijmans N.V.
Heijmans part of consortium 'Elisabeth' to build concert hall in Antwerp
Heijmans Belgium, part of the consortium 'Elisabeth', has acquired the contract for the construction of a concert hall and convention centre in Antwerp's city centre. The complex, the 'Elisabeth Center Antwerp', forms part of the halls of the Antwerp ZOO (Royal Zoology Society), covers a 25,000 m² area and has room for 2,000 seats. Besides Heijmans, the building combination is formed together with Willemen General Contractor and Verstraeten & Vanhecke. Heijmans' share of the contract is valued at approximately € 25 million.
Datum laatste update: 26 januari 2025