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Publicatie datum 16 mei 2014 - 08:00
Statutaire naam NSI N.V.
Titel NSI: Trading update Q1 2014
Bericht • Direct investment result of €46.3 million (€0.61 per average outstanding share) in 2013, €10.2 million for the 4th quarter (€0.10 per average outstanding share) • Total investment result for 2013 amounted to €134.1 million negative, mainly due to revaluations in the real estate portfolio • 6th consecutive quarter of outperformance in take-up in Dutch office portfolio of 3.5% vs 1.2% market share. • Occupancy Dutch office portfolio improved to 72.1% versus 71.3% at year end 2012 • Occupancy retail portfolio decreased to 87.2% versus 92.5% at year end 2012, reflecting the challenging Dutch retail environment • Loan-to-value decreased to 45.4% compared to 59.6% as at 30 September 2013 as a result of the €300 million equity placement • Financing costs significantly decreased in 4th quarter following the debt and derivative redemption after the equity placement • Dividend proposal for the 4th and final dividend: €0.09 per share (pay-out ratio of 87%), resulting in €0.28 dividend for 2013. • NSI will propose a revised dividend policy to the AGM of distributing at least 75% of the direct result as dividend in cash, applicable from the financial year 2014 onwards