Koninklijke Heijmans N.V.
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Publicatie datum
28 feb 2014 - 07:30
Statutaire naam
Koninklijke Heijmans N.V.
Heijmans sells golf and landscaping operations via management buy-out
Heijmans has sold the landscaping and golf operations of the Heijmans Roads business unit 'Sport & Groen' to the unit's current management team. Heijmans will retain the third component, 'Sport', comprising the construction of sports fields, accommodations and lighting. Approximately 100 employees, primarily field staff, will be transferred to the new company. The remaining approx. 10 employees involved in the 'Sport' sector will continue to be employed by Heijmans. The new company, which over the years came about through various mergers of business units of the Heijmans Group, will now enter a new phase.
Datum laatste update: 18 januari 2025