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NB Private Equity Partners Limited

NB Private Equity Partners Limited

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Publicatie datum 13 aug 2012 - 08:07
Statutaire naam NB Private Equity Partners Limited
Titel NB Private Equity Partners Limited : Net Asset Value(s)
Bericht THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN OR INTO AUSTRALIA, CANADA, ITALY, DENMARK, JAPAN, THE UNITED STATES, OR TO ANY NATIONAL OF SUCH JURISDICTIONS NB Private Equity Partners Announces Monthly Net Asset Value Update for July 2012 13 August 2012 NB Private Equity Partners Limited ("NBPE" or "the Company"), a closed-end private equity investment company, today announced an updated Net Asset Value ("NAV"). As of 31 July 2012, the unaudited NAV per share was $11.26, which represents an increase of 0.9% compared to the unaudited NAV per share of $11.16 at 30 June 2012.