Nutreco N.V.
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Publicatie datum
19 jul 2012 - 07:14
Statutaire naam
Nutreco N.V.
Nutreco invests in swine nutrition research in the Netherlands
Upgrade will provide advanced sow and piglet R&D facilities
Nutreco is investing in sow and piglet facilities at its Swine Research Centre (SRC) in the Netherlands; the location for world class research in swine nutrition and farm management for over 50 years. The newly built sow and piglet facilities will be equipped to investigate the relationship between nutrition and production efficiency, reproduction and health. For example, researchers will be able to monitor the feed intake and performance of individual animals even though they are housed in groups. The new facilities complement the recently completed unit for grower-finishing pigs.
Datum laatste update: 20 januari 2025