Delta Lloyd N.V.
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Publicatie datum
02 jul 2012 - 08:07
Statutaire naam
Delta Lloyd N.V.
Appointments at Delta Lloyd Group
Ms Rozan (R.E.) Dekker (40) has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer of Delta Lloyd Banking with effect from 1 July 2012. She succeeds Mr Gilbert (G. Th.) Pluym, who has accepted a post outside Delta Lloyd Group. Since Delta Lloyd Group became a listed company in 2009, Rozan Dekker was Investor Relations Manager. Previously, she was Risk Management Manager from 2008 at Delta Lloyd Group and filled various positions at Swiss Re and Ernst & Young.
Mr Roeland (R.A.J.) Haanen (42) has been appointed Investor Relations Manager at Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Delta Lloyd Group with effect from 1 July 2012. Roeland Haanen has worked with Delta Lloyd Group since 2006 and was Corporate Development Manager since 2008. Previously he worked as adviser in the field of mergers and acquisitions at Ernst & Young.
Datum laatste update: 14 februari 2025