Opera Finance (Uni-Invest) B.V.
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Publicatie datum
19 jun 2012 - 13:31
Statutaire naam
Opera Finance (Uni-Invest) B.V.
Notice to Noteholders Opera Finance (Uni-Invest) B.V.
Following the Extraordinary Resolution of 17 April 2012 (see respective notices to the Class A,
Class B, Class C and Class D Noteholders dated 17 April 2012) and as outlined in the notice dated
26 April 2012, the Note Trustee has submitted to the Amsterdam District Court a request for approval of a private pledge enforcement sale of the Senior Loan on the basis of Article 3:251 Section 1 of the Dutch Civil Code.
No action from the Class A, Class B, Class C or Class D Noteholders is required. Any Noteholder
that wishes to participate in these proceedings may do so at his own expense. Representation by a
Dutch lawyer is required for submission of a statement in these proceedings.
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