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Royal Imtech N.V.

Royal Imtech N.V.

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Publicatie datum 04 apr 2012 - 13:09
Statutaire naam Royal Imtech N.V.
Titel Adri Baan re-appointed as Imtech Supervisory Board member and elected Supervisory Board vice-Chairman
Bericht Gouda, the Netherlands - Royal Imtech N.V. (IM-AE, technical services provider in and outside Europe) announces that during the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of today, Mr. Adri Baan (69 years) was re-appointed as a member of Imtech's Supervisory Board for a four-year period and was elected vice-Chairman. Mr. Baan, the former Executive Vice President of Koninklijke Philips Electronics, had been a member of Imtech's Supervisory Board since 2008. He is also a member of the Audit Committee. Mr. Baan has other Supervisory Board positions in Volker Wessels Stevin N.V. (Chairman), Wolters Kluwer N.V. (Chairman), Dockwise N.V. (Chairman) and Océ Ltd.