Royal Imtech N.V.
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Publicatie datum
06 jul 2011 - 09:45
Statutaire naam
Royal Imtech N.V.
Imtech helps solve water problems in South Africa
Gouda, the Netherlands - Imtech (technical services provider in Europe and in the global marine market) announces that in the context of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, it has succeeded in substantially improving water supplies in the Gert Sibande District Municipality (formerly Transvaal) in South Africa. The operational output of local waste water purification systems is now remotely monitored 24/7 by an intelligent Internet system, so that possible failures are immediately flagged and resolved. In addition, an operational improvement and maintenance plan has been implemented to improve operations on location. The output of the waste water treatment process in Gert Sibande forms part of the input for the production of clean drinking water for the cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria. On balance, this has reduced water wastage by dozens of percent and considerably improved the quality and safety of the drinking water.
Imtech CEO Rene van der Bruggen: 'Many of the major global issues - water, energy and the environment - relate to and can be solved by technology. Imtech is one of the strongest technical players in Europe and has relevant knowledge in this area. In addition, we believe, in the context of our CSR policy, in boosting local organisations and entrepreneurs in developing countries. This is achieved by sending our own specialists to Third World countries - which we have been doing since 2008 - and hooking them up with these local organisations. If you offer local people the right knowledge and technology, they are able to find their own targeted solutions for their own challenges and issues, which also boosts the prosperity and welfare of local communities in developing countries. Every year, we make a disinterested investment of around one million euro in this part of our CSR programme.'
Datum laatste update: 13 februari 2025