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GeoJunxion N.V.

GeoJunxion N.V.

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Publicatie datum 18 nov 2010 - 07:41
Statutaire naam GeoJunxion N.V.
Titel Trading update AND
Bericht AND raises turnover and profit targets for 2010 Commercial success boosts revenue growth Rotterdam, 18 November 2010 – AND International Publishers NV has experienced a good third quarter of 2010. Thanks to commercial success from Digital Maps sales, the quarter was better than expected. This has led to an increase of our turnover target for entire 2010 to at least € 6.9 million, from an earlier expectation of at least € 6.7 million. Net profit is expected to be at least € 2.4 million for 2010, from an earlier € 2.3 million expectation.

Datum laatste update: 16 januari 2025