Ayvens Bank N.V.
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Publicatie datum
12 mei 2009 - 14:47
Statutaire naam
Ayvens Bank N.V.
Friedrich von Metzler to become 50% shareholder of LeasePlan
Today LeasePlan announces that Fleet Investments B.V., an investment company of the German banker Friedrich von Metzler will become a 50% shareholder of LeasePlan. This transaction follows the decision end 2008 of both Mubadala Development Company and the Olayan Group to divest their 25% stakes in LeasePlan. Subject to approval of the relevant anti-trust and supervisory authorities, the transaction is expected to close in the autumn of 2009. Volkswagen, which continues its 50% interest in LeasePlan, has reconfirmed the high strategic importance of multi brand fleet management for their Group.
Vahid Daemi, CEO of LeasePlan comments: “We value the fact that in the current economic climate a financially strong and long-term oriented investor is interested to acquire a 50% stake in our company and consider this a confirmation of the success of our company. We look forward to continuing our strategy as one of the leading independent financial services and fleet management providers in the world with the support of two strong 50% shareholders.”
Datum laatste update: 26 januari 2025