Koninklijke Philips N.V.
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Publicatie datum
27 apr 2009 - 13:08
Statutaire naam
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Philips calls on business community to seize the opportunity of energy efficient lighting
APRIL 27, 2009
Paris, France – Philips will today call upon leaders of world businesses, municipal authorities and other owners and operators of buildings to seize the opportunity to cut back on energy consumption by simply switching to energy-efficient lighting.
Coinciding with the publication of Transforming the Market: Energy Efficiency in Buildings - the final report by the four-year Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) research project - Philips will outline how switching to new, energy-saving lighting technologies will benefit institutional building users on a number of levels. As a result of new energy use modeling, the report reveals that energy consumption in buildings could be cut by 60 percent by 2050.
“A significant proportion of that reduction could be achieved even sooner by the adoption of energy-saving lighting,” Philips executive Kaj den Daas will state today during the Alliance to Save Energy’s EE Global Forum in Paris, where the EEB report is being launched. “If all the lighting in the world were switched to energy efficient solutions, €120 billion could be saved on electricity, as well as 630 million tonnes of CO2. That is the equivalent output of 600 power plants or 1,800 million oil barrels in a year.”
Lighting accounts roughly for 19% of world’s electricity use, and some three-quarters of all lighting is based on old, energy-inefficient solutions. Switching readily-available modern energy-efficient lighting solutions could save an average of 40% electricity.
“This not only represents a quick win, but a ‘triple win’ in the effort to cut electricity consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions,” Mr. den Daas will say in his speech. “End users and building owners can lower their costs and benefit from better quality lighting; the environment can benefit from lower energy usage and lower carbon emissions; thirdly, an accelerated switch to energy ef
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