Draka Holding N.V.
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Publicatie datum
16 okt 2007 - 08:32
Statutaire naam
Draka Holding N.V.
Draka expands its position in the global elevator market by the intended acquisition of DeBiase Lift Components s.r.l.
The Board of Management of Draka Holding N.V. announces that it intends to buy 100% of the shares in DeBiase (DB) Lift Components s.r.l. in Milan (Italy). DB Lift Components' product scope covers distribution of cable, wire rope, electrical & mechanical components and hardware. The company is very well positioned in Italy, the largest market in Europe for the elevator industry. Moreover, it exports products to areas including Slovania, Croatia, Greece, Bulgeria, Czech Republic and the Middle East. The company is based in Milan where it has a warehouse. DB Lift Components employs in total 10 people, generates annual sales of around € 10 million and is profitable.
Datum laatste update: 16 januari 2025