Fagron NV
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Publicatie datum
05 aug 2016 - 07:00
Statutaire naam
Fagron NV
Fagron NV: Organic turnover growth in Europe, Brazil and in US-based sterile activities
Refinancing successfully completed
Net debt/REBITDA-ratio of 3.4 after capital increase
Regulated information
Waregem (Belgium) / Rotterdam (The Netherlands)1, 5 August 2016 - 7:00 (CET)
Turnover decreased by 3.1% to € 210.2 million
Turnover at constant exchange rates increased by 2.2%
REBITDA2 amounted to € 45.6 million or 21.7% of turnover
Successful completion of capital increase with gross proceeds of approximately € 219 million
Net financial debt decreased to € 301.0 million after both tranches of the capital increase
2016 Outlook3: Turnover of at least € 415 million and REBITDA4 of between € 85 million and € 95 million
Datum laatste update: 14 januari 2025