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Publicatie datum 26 apr 2016 - 08:04
Statutaire naam ARCADIS N.V.
Titel Arcadis Shareholders appoint Deanna Goodwin and re-appoint Maarten Schönfeld to Supervisory Board. Stephanie Hottenhuis re-appointed to Executive Board
Bericht (April 26, 2016) Arcadis (Euronext: arcad), the leading global Design & Consultancy firm for natural and built assets, announced that during its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders yesterday, Deanna Goodwin was appointed and Maarten Schönfeld re-appointed to the company's Supervisory Board for a period of four years. In the same meeting Stephanie Hottenhuis was re-appointed to the Executive Board, also for a period of four years.

Datum laatste update: 08 februari 2025