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TNT Express B.V.

TNT Express B.V.

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Publicatie datum 28 jul 2014 - 07:44
Statutaire naam TNT Express B.V.
Titel 2Q14 results: Improved performance supported by restructuring initiatives
Bericht Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28 July 2014 Reported operating income €8m positive (2Q13: €287m negative), reported revenues €1,662m (-5.9%) Higher adjusted operating income €82m (2Q13: €60m) Adjusted revenues €1,703m (-3.6%) but restated for disposal China Domestic and sale Dutch TNT Fashion Business adjusted revenues + 1.1% Better results in all segments apart from UK Domestic as part of Europe Main Outlook Strategy on track: cost reduction programme €33m achieved in the quarter (1Q14: €30m) Period end net cash €395m (1Q14: €402m) Interim pro forma 2014 dividend of €0.049 per share declared representing 40% pay-out of 1H14 normalised net income; shareholders may choose to receive the dividend in stock or cash Segments Europe Main: Results flat reflecting uneven economic growth and competitive pressures Europe Other & Americas: Profit growth supported by solid yield development Pacific: Market remained difficult, but targeted cost initiatives improved profitability AMEA: Strong across-the-board performance Brazil Domestic: Recovery continued and moved into profit after first quarter breakeven Outlook Strategy 2Q14 restructuring-related charges and restructuring-related implementation cost €74m Ongoing investment in Liège Eurohub and road infrastructure New segment reporting to be implemented at 4Q14, with full reconciliation Capital Markets Day confirmed for 18th of February 2015