Gemalto B.V.
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Publicatie datum
13 feb 2014 - 07:00
Statutaire naam
Gemalto B.V.
JETCO selects Gemalto TSM for mobile NFC rollout in Hong Kong and Macau
Joint Electronic Teller Services Limited to securely deploy NFC payment services to end users through their 30 member banks
Amsterdam, February 13, 2014 - Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653), the world leader in digital security, announces that it will be providing its LinqUs Trusted Service Management (TSM) software platform to Joint Electronic Teller Services Limited (JETCO) for their commercial rollout of NFC payment. JETCO has the biggest automatic teller machine (ATM) network in Hong Kong and Macau consisting of over 30 member banks. Gemalto is also supporting JETCO with consulting services on the platform setup as well as integration.
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