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Koninklijke Ten Cate B.V.

Koninklijke Ten Cate B.V.

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Publicatie datum 01 mrt 2013 - 08:11
Statutaire naam Koninklijke Ten Cate B.V.
Titel Koninklijke Ten Cate NV : Winstdaling TenCate vooral door krimp Amerikaanse defensiemarkt
Bericht Highlights of 2012 · Decrease in revenues of 8% to €1,049 million (autonomous -15%). · Normalized EBITA: €60 million; €8 million non-recurring expenses, mainly in the 4th quarter. · EBITA: €52.0 million (autonomous -53%). · Net profit €22.3 million (autonomous -63%); normalized net profit €27.6 million. · Number of FTEs reduced by 350 since May 2012. · Free cash flow rises from -€9 million to +€68 million. · Interest-bearing debt decreased by approximately €60 million to €230 million.