Royal Imtech N.V.
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Publicatie datum
02 jan 2013 - 07:33
Statutaire naam
Royal Imtech N.V.
Imtech: partner in Greater London Authority's RE:FIT framework, 47 million euro technology orders in London
Gouda - Royal Imtech N.V. (IM-AE, technical services provider in and outside Europe) announces that it is selected as one of the technology partners on the Greater London Authority's (GLA) multi-million RE:FIT framework. RE:FIT is the Mayor of London's award-winning programme, which provides a commercial model for public bodies wishing to implement energy efficiency improvements to their buildings or estate, which can include local energy generation measures. At the same time, Imtech has recently received technology orders in London with a total value of over 47 million euro.
Datum laatste update: 19 januari 2025