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Fortuna Entertainment Group N.V.

Fortuna Entertainment Group N.V.

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Publicatie datum 28 jun 2012 - 08:08
Statutaire naam Fortuna Entertainment Group N.V.
Titel E-INVEST will buy 10% of Fortuna Loterie
Bericht Fortuna Entertainment Group, N.V. (“FEG”) has agreed with E-INVEST on the cooperation in the Czech lottery market. Based on this agreement, E-INVEST will buy 10% stake of Fortuna Loterie, a Czech subsidiary of FEG operating numerical games LOTO and SUPERLOTO and scratch tickets. Both companies have already signed the Agreement on Future Agreement. According to the contract, the transfer of shares should be realised within 12 months from signing. The direct investment of E-INVEST in Fortuna Loterie will speed up the roll-out of distribution network and further strengthen the management team with long-standing know-how in the retail field. “By signing this agreement, Fortuna Loterie will obtain a strong shareholder and strategy partner that will bring a substantial input into the next development of Fortuna lottery segment,” commented Radim Haluza, newly appointed CEO of Fortuna Entertainment Group. “On the other hand, E-INVEST will have an opportunity to participate on a further lottery growth which goal is to reach approximately 15-20 % market share by mid 2014.” Fortuna Loterie, a.s. is part of Fortuna Entertainment Group. Its current market share is about 10% in the Czech Republic lottery segment. It operates numerical games LOTO and SUPERLOTO and Zlatých 11 (Golden 11). These games were launched in the period from mid to end of 2011. Also, it successfully develops scratch cards portfolio and provides additional services, such as mobile phone top-ups through its 2,000 points of sales.

Datum laatste update: 13 januari 2025