Dockwise Ltd.
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Publicatie datum
29 apr 2012 - 22:01
Statutaire naam
Dockwise Ltd.
Dockwise Ltd :Dockwise increases ownership in Fairstar to 28%
Breda, The Netherlands - 29 April 2012 - Dockwise Ltd. through its subsidiary Dockwise White Marlin B.V. ("Dockwise") has last week completed the acquisition of 19% shares in Fairstar Heavy Transport N.V. ("Fairstar") and Dockwise has now waived the sole remaining condition in purchase agreements for almost 9% of the Fairstar shares. These agreements will be completed in the next few days. As a result, Dockwise has now unconditionally bought almost 28% of the shares in Fairstar. Dockwise still has one conditional purchase agreement for just over 26% of the shares in Fairstar currently owned by Oceanus. Completion of this agreement remains conditional on the approval of resolutions for the financing of the purchase of shares in Fairstar through an offering and issuance of new shares in Dockwise, primarily by the way of a rights issue, which approval is to be obtained at the Dockwise's Annual General Meeting which will be held on 9 May 2012 (the "AGM").
Datum laatste update: 07 februari 2025