Nutreco N.V.
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Publicatie datum
19 apr 2012 - 07:09
Statutaire naam
Nutreco N.V.
Nutreco trading update Q1 2012: Strong momentum continues
- Revenue Q1 2012 EUR 1,128.2 million; an increase of 11.3% from Q1 2011 mainly driven by volume growth of 6.8%
- Excellent operational results in Aquaculture division driven by strong organic growth; integration of the acquisition of Shihai in China is on track
- Operational results in all segments of the Animal Nutrition division improved compared to the first quarter 2011
- Premix and feed specialities position in the growth geography of Brazil strengthened by acquiring 97% of the shares in Nutreco Fri-Ribe and the acquisition of Bellman
- Divestment of Hendrix to ForFarmers completed, strategic partnership underway
- Outlook: Based on current trading conditions, Nutreco expects EBITA before exceptional items for the first half of 2012 to be approximately EUR 100 million (first half 2011: EUR 83.6 million)
Datum laatste update: 14 februari 2025