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Trading platforms

A market in financial instruments is a trading platform on which supply and demand for financial instruments are brought together. The Financial Supervision Act [Wet financieel toezicht, or Wft] distinguishes twotypes of market: a regulated market, and a multilateral trading facility (MTF).

Contact information

If you intend to apply for a licence, we advise you to contact the Efficient Capital Markets Supervision Department [afdeling Efficiënte Kapitaalmarkten] on +31(0)20 797 2792 before submitting your application.


Under Section 5:26 Wft, a regulated market licence from the Ministry of Finance is required for the maintenance of a market in financial instruments. For the operation of an MTF, a licence to operate an investment firm is required under Section 4:91a Wft and following.

These licenses can be found in our registers.

Register trading platforms
Register Clearing & Settlement