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Notification of a policymaker at a PIE audit firm

Members of the management bodies and supervisory boards of audit firms licensed to perform statutory audits at public interest entities (PIEs) must be persons who are trustworthy and suited to the duties the position entails. Therefore, the AFM assesses the trustworthiness and suitability of such persons prior to their appointment as a policymaker or co-policymaker.

Start of assessment of prospective policymaker or co-policymaker

The trustworthiness of all policymakers and co-policymakers at audit firms must be beyond doubt. Furthermore, in the case of PIE audit firms, policymakers and co-policymakers must be persons who are suited to the position and the duties it entails. Therefore, the AFM performs a trustworthiness and suitability assessment prior to their appointment. This may be supplemented by an assessment interview.

Click here to start with the trustworthiness assessment and to notify us of the prospective appointment.

Click here to start with the suitability assessment.

Confirmation of appointment

Once the AFM has informed you in writing that the trustworthiness of the prospective policymaker or co-policymaker is beyond doubt, you must notify us of the definitive appointment of this person in our AFM Portal. We will then include the details of the policymaker or co-policymaker in our public register.

Mandatory notification of relevant changes

Suitability is an ongoing requirement. When there are any changes to facts and circumstances that are relevant to a policymaker’s or co-policymaker’s suitability and/or trustworthiness, you must notify the AFM immediately. Any changes to a person's background information relating to the person’s trustworthiness must be reported in our AFM portal. Background information includes, for example, a record of a measure imposed on the person by a disciplinary court or a criminal record.

Furthermore, any changes in the management bodies or supervision body of an audit firm that have consequences for the suitability of any of its members (policymakers or co-policymakers) must be reported by email at ondersteuning_at@afm.nl. We will then determine on the basis of this new information whether this requires a reassessment of the person’s suitability.