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Mandatory notifications

If anything changes in your business it may affect the granted licence. The law requires a UCITS manager to report changes in respect of subjects that are reviewed as part of the licensing process.

Which changes do you need to notify?

The changes you need to notify are the so-called material changes. These changes are described in Section 4:26 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft) and Article 88-92a of the Decree on Conduct of Business Supervision of Financial Undertakings (BGfo).

Examples of changes you need to notify are:

• changes in respect of topics reviewed as part of the licensing process, which you send by email to toezicht_am@afm.nl
• changes in respect of a UCITS managed by your company, which you send by email to toezicht_am@afm.nl
outsourcing of activities or termination of such outsourcing

You must also report abuses and incidents. This can be done through the AFM Portal, just like notifications and cancellations of UCITS and assessable persons.
Applications to grant or withdraw a (partial) licence or European passports can also be made through the AFM Portal.