The AFM puts Guidelines on sustainability claims up for consultation
The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) has put the Guidelines on sustainability claims up for consultation for financial institutions and pension providers. With these Guidelines, the AFM provides guidance to market participants on how to make correct, clear and non-misleading sustainability claims. The consultation will run until 24 July 2023.
Guidance for making sustainability claims
The financial sector has a crucial role in making the economy more sustainable. Communications by market participants, including marketing, often contain sustainability ambitions and other sustainability claims.The AFM considers transparency on sustainability aspects of great importance. We therefore see the growing attention to this by market participants as a positive development. As with other information, sustainability claims should be correct, clear and not misleading.
In these Guidelines on sustainability claims, financial institutions and pension providers will find tools to help them comply with the existing information requirements.
Opportunity to respond until 24 July 2023
We are offering market participants the opportunity to respond to these Guidelines. Do you think the Guidelines are clear and useful? You can respond until 24 July 2023. Please send your response to leidraadduurzaamheidsclaims@afm.nl.Publication after consultation
Based on the responses, the Guidelines will be adjusted where necessary. The AFM will publish a final version on its website. A 'feedback statement' will also be published, indicating what we have done with the responses to the consultation.
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