Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Listing of Class A Limited Voting Shares on Euronext Amsterdam N.V.
Below you will find information from the register approved prospectuses. The information has been provided by the organisation.
Date approval
14 mar 2008
Issuing institution
Brookfield Asset Management Inc.
Listing of Class A Limited Voting Shares on Euronext Amsterdam N.V.
Date of entrance
14 mar 2008
Type of publication
Drukwerk en elektronisch
Place of publication
The Prospectus and any supplement to this Prospectus (if any) may be obtained at no cost from the date of this Prospectus or the date of the relevant supplement (if any) by sending a request in writing or by fax or email to the Company or SNS, at the following addresses: Brookfield Asset Management Inc., Suite 300, Brookfield Place, Box 762, 181 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T3, Telephone: 416-363-9491, Facsimile: 416-365-9642, E-Mail:
SNS Securities N.V., Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 162, P.O. Box 235, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Telephone: +31 20 550 8513, Facsimile: +31 20 427 3486, E-Mail:
Date last update: 09 October 2024