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Fitness and propriety

More information about assessments of day-to-day policymakers, supervisory directors and co-policymakers can be found on the Assessments of executive and supervisory directors page.

Notification or cancellation of (co-)policymaker

Policymakers and co-policymakers of UCITS managers must be notified or cancelled via our AFM Portal. This also applies to policymakers and co-policymakers of an investment company. In the case of an investment company with an external manager, the manager must pass on this notification.

Certificate of no objection

Holders of a qualifying holding in a UCITS investment fund manager must apply for a certificate of no objection (vvgb) to hold, acquire or increase that qualifying holding. This certificate of no objection will not be issued by the AFM but by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). The application for this should also be made to DNB.

An exception to this is that the application for a certificate of no objection (vvgb) for a qualified participation in a manager of a UCITS investment fund can be submitted to the AFM at the same time as the licence application, if the manager does not yet have a licence at the time of the application for the certificate of no objection.

Relevant links

Notification of (co-)policymaker
Cancellation of (co-)policymaker
Assessment of executive and supervisory directors